Department of Psychology


Apr 22, 2018

Dorothy Lucille Ayres, grew-up in Oakwood and was attracted to Wright State because of the university's excellent psychology program, specifically in Human Factors psychology.  She said, "psychology has intrigued me ever since I was around twelve or thirteen, when I was introduced to the concept of personality psychology. I loved the idea of using science to learn more about how people work, and eventually how to use science to improve people’s lives through that knowledge".


Mar 9, 2018
The National Science Foundation has awarded a $1 million grant that promises to expand and further diversify undergraduate research in Wright State University’s College of Science and Mathematics.
Feb 26, 2018
image of Nathaniel Stafford

Alumnus Nathaniel Stafford returned to Wright State on February 15th to give a research talk and to meet with students for a "Q & A" session.  He is a PhD candidate in the University of New Hampshire's Department of Psychology. Stafford is studying the neurobiology of stress and resilience. His talk was titled "Ultrasonic vocalizations and stress resilience: Behavioral and neurobiological correlates".

Dec 19, 2017
image of Joshua Sensenbaugh

This is the third of a 5-part series featuring CoSM's Top Scholars. The College of Science & Mathematics takes great pride in highlighting our talented students.

Joshua Sensenbaugh, Top Scholar for the Department of Psychology is featured in this article.

After completing his first high school psychology class Joshua was hooked. He stated, "I fell in love with how the brain can affect behavior."  And with that he set his sights on pursuing a career...

Dec 1, 2017
Stephanie Goodwin will provide information to the network about female administrators on campus, including new appointments and vacant leadership opportunities.
Nov 27, 2017
The study abroad trip offered psychology and biology majors a chance to study animals in their natural state.
Sep 1, 2017
Erica Curtis, who graduated in December with a bachelor's degree in psychology, is the third member of her family to attend Wright State.
Aug 18, 2017
Sarah Cicora, an academic adviser in the Department of Psychology, helped secure a donation from ACCO brands of 951 calendars for students taking first-year seminars at Wright State this fall.
Aug 16, 2017
Two sisters and their cousin have more than family in common: they all majored in psychology at Wright State.
Jun 22, 2017
ISAP logo

This year more than 280 researchers from around the world came to Wright State University from May 8th through May 11th to attend the 19th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology.

“The symposium is a meeting of researchers and practitioners from industry, government agencies, research laboratories, and universities to discuss the advancement of aviation psychology towards a safer and more efficient sky,” said Pamela Tsang, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Wright State and one...


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