Research Facilities
The Wright State University Department of Psychology maintains several general laboratories to support teaching and learning for undergraduate and graduate students. Each faculty member maintains a research laboratory. In addition to the on-campus laboratories, many specialized laboratories around the Dayton metropolitan area allow Wright State students and faculty members to use their facilities and equipment.
The general campus facilities to support teaching and research include four computer laboratories. Other general-purpose facilities for individual and small group testing are available, including observation rooms with one-way windows, rooms with recording capabilities, and laptop computers for field research.
The Department of Psychology has research space, faculty and graduate student offices, and general classroom space all located on the third, fourth, and fifth floors of Fawcett Hall. The fourth and fifth floors consist of 20,000 square feet of space reserved for psychology research. Specialized equipment (EEG and eye trackers) in these research laboratories supports research on sensory process, spatial orientation, human-computer interaction, display design, memory, aging, trust in automation, teamwork, selection, training, counterproductive work behaviors, item response theory and stress in the workplace.
Students and faculty also have access to specialized laboratories and equipment unique to the Dayton area. Wright State and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base have an official Educational Partnership Agreement that facilitates the sharing of equipment, facilities, and personnel. Specialized high-fidelity simulators and other test facilities on the Wright Patterson Air Force Base and on the Wright State campus are available and have been used by faculty and students. Faculty members also enjoy excellent working relationships with other laboratories and facilities as well as area corporations and industries.