Department of Psychology


Dec 19, 2013

As the Department of Psychology's Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Netty Yount served Wright State University for over 19 years.  Netty will be retiring December 20th and her knowledge, optimism, and dedication to the university will be greatly missed.  Good luck Netty on all your retirement endeavors.  

Oct 11, 2013

The Ohio State University, Wright State University and nine other Ohio colleges and universities will share a $3.5 million National Science Foundation grant over the next five years...

Sep 5, 2013

August 14th, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jeffrey Cowgill and Shruti Kesari (staff in the Department of Psychology and Wright State alumni) co-chaired a session titled "Human Performance and Interaction in Virtual Environments" at the 12th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems.  Jeff and Shruti, along with Caitlan Rizzardo (Department of Psychology Graduate Student) and Dr. Thomas Wischgoll (WSU Faculty, Department of Computer Science and...

Aug 30, 2013
Matthew Shively, M.S.

The Department of Psychology welcomes a new member to the faculty, Matthew Shively, M.S..  Matthew will be overseeing the Introductory Psychology (1010) courses, including new and innovative teaching techniques to both the lectures and labs.  He is a great addition to our team.

Matthew Shively's research interests include memory and cognitive psychology, along with studying innovations in teaching psychology. Although his research interests are along these lines, he also enjoys...

Aug 14, 2013

In today’s world, many individuals and groups have threatened to attack the United States with biological weapons. They have targeted laboratories, biotech...

Apr 29, 2013

Nautica Hereford got the phone call we all fear. Her sister back home was on the other end of the line.

Apr 12, 2013
photo of Rebecca Riffle and Eric Robinson

Rebecca Riffle and Eric Robinson, graduate students in the Department of Psychology, had their paper "Subtle performance deficits associated with an acute hypoxic event" and "Time course to recovery of cerebral blood oxygen saturation following an acute hypoxic event" accepted to the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association.

Jan 1, 2013

Coming soon to a bookstore near you—a handbook on the science of reliance. Trust me.

Jan 1, 2011

It's a world within a world.

Inside that world, enemy snipers rain their fire down on U.S. soldiers as they patrol the streets of some strange and faraway urban war zone.


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