The Department of Psychology welcomes a new member to the faculty, Matthew Shively, M.S.. Matthew will be overseeing the Introductory Psychology (1010) courses, including new and innovative teaching techniques to both the lectures and labs. He is a great addition to our team.
Matthew Shively's research interests include memory and cognitive psychology, along with studying innovations in teaching psychology. Although his research interests are along these lines, he also enjoys expanding his general knowledge across broad areas of psychology.
With over eight years of experience teaching Introductory Psychology, including several years of acting as a teaching assistant and teaching assistant coordinator at both Montana State University, and Wright State University. Matt believes he is very fortunate to have had the opportunity to lecture full courses in Introductory Psychology, Honors Introductory Psychology, and Social Psychology during past years.
I am delighted to continue my role as an Introductory Psychology Instructor. Along with the Department of Psychology, we are striving to research and integrate innovate teaching techniques to ensure students develop skills needed to succeed in science and 21st century careers. -Matthew Shively