Drs. Chad Ferguson and Katherine Kapo received their Ph.D. degrees after successful defenses of their dissertations. Congratulations to the program's latest Ph.D. recipients!
Kevin Kelley, an M.D./Ph.D. candidate, won the First Place Poster Award at the Boonshoft School of Medicine's Medical Student Research Symposium.
Amber Todd, Ph.D. candidate, won the 2009 Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program.
Dr. Rebecca Tuttle, a resident in the WSU General Surgery Residency Program, won the 2nd Place Research Poster Award at the 10th Annual DAGMEC Resident and Fellow Research Forum.
Dr. Rajesh Naik, adjunct professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, has been elected a SPIE Fellow in recognition of significant service to SPIE and the international optics community.
Christopher Vaiana, master's candidate, won the 2009 Outstanding Graduate Student award.
Katie Leonard and Andrew Whitlatch, Ph.D. students, received first and second place awards for their talks at the 2009 Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. Program Retreat.
Dr. Yong-jie Xu's cancer research project, "Phosphorylation network of the DNA replication checkpoint in fission yeast," has been funded by the Ohio Cancer Research Associates.
Dr. Michael Leffak received two NIH R01 awards over the past several months: "Analysis of the human c-myc gene replication origin" (four-year award) and "The role of the DNA unwinding element binding protein, DUE-B, in DNA replication" (two years).
Dr. Lubna Abu-Niaaj has joined the Leffak laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Abu-Niaaj comes from Indiana State University, where she worked on the cloning and expression analysis of the Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling, Socs1 and Socs3. Her postdoctoral work will focus on the role of the DNA unwinding element binding protein, DUE-B, in the initiation of DNA replication and checkpoint signaling.