

Apr 14, 2010

The Environmental Sciences Ph.D. Program has selected Christina Powell as this year's recipient of the Graduate Student Excellence Award. The School of Graduate Studies will once again present the Graduate Student Excellence Awards and Recognition Program on Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 5 p.m. The event will be held in the Student Union Pathfinder Lounge and all are welcome to attend.

Mar 22, 2010

Dr. Elliott Brown joined the physics department Spring 2010. Brown received his bachelor's degree in physics from UCLA and graduate degrees in Applied Physics from the California Institute of Technology. For four years he was with the Hughes Aircraft Co., where he worked on key components in millimeter-wave radiometers and high-speed laser communications systems for the company¢s space and communications group. Brown also was a program manager for the Defense Advanced Research Projects...

Feb 1, 2010

EAF now has a home! The EAF is located in 004/006 Math and Microbiology where you can now find all of our instruments in operational condition. Thanks to Joe and Garrett for taking the time to prepare the facility and for dismantling, moving and re-installing all of our instruments.

Dec 18, 2009

Dr. Michael Markey and his wife welcomed a baby boy, Gavin Andrew Markey, on Dec. 17, 2009.

Nov 10, 2009

Rick Salisbury received the Best Student Platform presentation award based on his presentation at Proctor and Gamble as part of the Annual Ohio Valley Society of Toxicology meeting. His abstract, entitled "TCDD-induced inhibition of the 3'IgHRR is mediated by an interaction between the AhR and NF-kappaB/Rel proteins" was one of four Ph.D. student abstracts selected for platform presentation.

Nov 2, 2009

Dr. Steven Berberich officially became chair of the department, effective Nov. 1, 2009.

Oct 10, 2009

Rachel Omolewu, an M.S. student in Dr. Prochaska's laboratory, also ran in the 10K Run in the U.S. Air Force Marathon. (Time: 49:09 min.; pace: 7:57 min/mile; place: 136th overall, 18th woman, 6th in age category.)

Oct 10, 2009

Teresa Cvetkov, a Ph.D. candidate in Dr. Prochaska's laboratory, placed in the 10K Run in the U.S. Air Force Marathon. (Time: 41:11 min.; pace: 6:39 min/mile; place: 20th overall, 2nd woman, 1st in age category.)

Sep 2, 2009

Dr. Heather Hostetler joined the department as an assistant professor on Sept. 1. She has received a three-year NIH R00 award entitled, "The role of long chain acyl-CoAs in nuclear receptor regulation."

Jul 22, 2009
photo of carla benton

Carla Benton, a junior, has received a 2009 Presidential Commendation for Excellence in Co-curricular Activities.

Miss Benton is in her junior year in the physics program, with a current GPA of 4.0. She recently was invited to present her undergraduate research work at the 13th Annual Undergraduate Poster Session on Capitol Hill organized by the Council on Undergraduate Education, where she was visited by Senator Steve Austria. She has already co-authored 3 papers:



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