

Jun 10, 2009

Dr. Lubna Abu-Niaaj has joined the Leffak laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Abu-Niaaj comes from Indiana State University, where she worked on the cloning and expression analysis of the Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling, Socs1 and Socs3. Her postdoctoral work will focus on the role of the DNA unwinding element binding protein, DUE-B, in the initiation of DNA replication and checkpoint signaling.

Jun 1, 2009

Karen Simpson was selected for a full scholarship to attend the Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School in New Mexico held from June 7-July 4.

May 11, 2009

Katherine Kapo, who will graduate in Spring 2009 as the fifth graduate of the ES Ph.D. program, is being honored as our program's recipient of the Graduate Excellence award for 2009 from the School of Graduate Studies. She tackled a unique and exciting topic in the risk assessment of watersheds and aquatic ecosystems which provided statistically based rankings of stressors that impaired aquatic life. She has published two papers in excellent international journals and a technical report for...

May 10, 2009

Dr. Dan Organisciak, director of the Petticrew Research Laboratory, has been named a Gold Fellow of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). The honor was bestowed on him and about 25 other vision scientists at the ARVO meeting held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, May 3-7, 2009.

Apr 15, 2009

Drs. Arijit Guin and Ramya Ramanathan received their Ph.D. degrees after successful defenses of their dissertations. Congratulations to the program's latest Ph.D. recipients!

Mar 2, 2009

Shawn Devlin, a fourth year ES Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Dr. Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, was recently honored with a Biology Award for Research Excellence (BARE) of $800 from the Department of Biological Sciences at Wright State. These awards are funded through a number of departmental fund raisers, including the annual Department of Biological Sciences Golf Scramble.  Shawn’s award-winning research involves the use compound specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) of Phospholipid Fatty...

Feb 9, 2009

Yvonne Vadeboncoeur (Biological Sciences) and Pete McIntyre (University of Michigan) have received news that their proposal entitled “Consumer control of high-productivity low-nutrient ecosystems: Enhancement of primary productivity by grazing fish in Lake Tanganyika” will be funded by NSF for $850,000. Lake Tanganyika is the second largest lake in the world, and its nearshore, or littoral, waters are home to hundreds of fish and invertebrate species found nowhere else in the world. Fish...

Oct 9, 2008

Dr. Tom Rooney, along with his co-editor Don Waller at the University of Wisconsin, published "The Vanishing Present: Wisconsin's Changing Lands, Waters, and Wildlife."  The book's thirty chapters examine changes in Wisconsin over the past several decades.  Individual chapters explore changes in habitats like wetlands, prairies, lakes, and forests, while others focus on particular taxonomic groups like birds, reptiles, mammals, fish, and plants.  This book is the first in North America to...

Oct 1, 2008

Dr. Steve Higgins recently received a 3-year grant from the US Department of Energy to study the long-term behavior of rocks and minerals exposed to CO2-bearing fluids in an effort to test the viability of various proposed geologic containment strategies. His project titled "Kinetic complexity of mineral-water interface reactions relevant to CO2 sequestration: Atomic-scale reactions to macroscale processes" involves a collaborative effort between WSU and Lawrence...

Oct 1, 2008

Dr. John Stireman studies insects and their interactions with other organisms in order to explore fundamental problems in ecology and evolution. In just two and a half years, John has been funded by two separate grants from the National Science Foundation-at a time when funding at NSF has plummeted to historic lows. Dr. Stireman has a strong record of publication, with a total of 14 peer-reviewed research articles published or in press since he began at Wright State University in 2005,...



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