

Oct 31, 2011

The Wright State University Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology will present Sir Paul Nurse, Ph.D., the Nobel prize winner who discovered genes that control cell division...

Oct 28, 2011

HERS is the premier residential professional development program dedicated to advancing women leaders in higher education administration.

Oct 26, 2011

In a Wright State University lab, seismic and well log information fed into a computer are blooming into colorful...

Oct 10, 2011

Drs. Hostetler and Rider were blessed by the birth of Autumn, Mahala and Samantha in September (shown in that order at right). The girls have settled in at home...

Sep 21, 2011

Inside three freezers in a Wright State University lab is the bottom of the ocean.

Jul 29, 2011

Prof. Yvonne Vadeboncoeur and her research team have been conducting field research in Lake Tanganyika in east Africa, a project that is funded through the US National Science Foundation. Visit the Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania project blog to learn more.

Jul 25, 2011

A lush thicket several feet high flanks a clearing on the forest floor. A marsh lies on the other side...

Jul 22, 2011
photo of Zach Gault with Dr. Deibel, his advisor and Dean Voss

Zach was selected as the CoSM 2011 Top Scholars graduating seniors selected by the Dean's office. The Wright State Parents Association donates a book in each of their names, in their fields of study, to the Wright State Libraries' collections. This recognition program has been in existence since 1995.

Jul 22, 2011
photo of dr. tosa

Dr. Tosa has been nominated by her students for an excellence in teaching General Education award for her PHY106/7 classes.

Jul 7, 2011

Behzad Ghanbarian, a second-year ES Ph.D. student and his research director, Prof. Allen Hunt are organizing a symposium entitled "Complexity in Disordered Porous Media" at the EUROSOIL 2012 meeting in Italy from July 2-6. EUROSOIL is an international congress sponsored by the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS). Congratulations to Behzad and Prof. Hunt for their lead roles in organizing this symposium as part of the conference's Soil Hydrology theme.



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