On his way to a career in biomedical sciences, Orly Leiva is following a star.
By staying close to home for college, Amma Boakye travels far.
Samantha (Sam) Davis, a second-year ES Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Don Cipollini, has received a second competitive Botany-in-Action fellowship from Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh, PA. The award of $3000 will be used toward field research expenses for the project outlined below. In addition to the research award, Samantha will again participate in the Phipps Conservatory for Botany-in-Action Science Weekend, where she will receive science communication...
ES Ph.D. student Angie Clayton and her advisor, Dr. Chuck Ciampaglio are co-chairing the Annual North Central Section meeting of the Geological Society of America to be held in Dayton, OH April 23-24, 2012. For more information on the meeting, visit the GSA conference website.
Dr. Kathryn Barto, a 2008 graduate of the ES Ph.D. program, landed a tenure-track faculty job in the Department of Biology at Xavier University. She spent the last three and a half years at the Freie-Univeristat, Berlin, doing postdoctoral research on the ecology of mycorrhizal fungi. Kathryn was advised by Don Cipollini in the Department of Biological Sciences, and becomes the first graduate of the program to have landed a faculty position. She will start her new position in August, and we...
First year ES Ph.D. student, Chad Rigsby, had research he conducted as an undergraduate at Wittenberg University featured on the website, asknature.com, a site associated with the Biomimicry Institute dedicated to finding inspiration for designers, architects, chemists and engineers in nature. In this study, Chad and colleagues examined how red velvet mites tolerate high temperatures and drying through secretion...
John Stireman, in the Department of Biological Sciences, is the lead P.I. on a $620,000 grant from the National Science Foundation. The three year project, entitled “Phylogeny and evolution of world Tachinidae (Diptera)" is a collaboration with researchers at the University of Tennessee and the Canadian National Collection of Insects. The grant will provide support for both graduate students and post-docs.
Madhumitha Balanarasimha (Dr. Hostetler's lab) successfully defended her master's thesis fall quarter. Currently, she and her husband are enjoying the company of their baby girl Surabi (born Nov. 16, 2011).
Christopher Vaiana (Dr. Kadakia’s laboratory) successfully defended his master’s thesis. He was also awarded the Air Force Director’s Military Award. Chris began the Ph.D. program in chemistry at New York University in the fall.
At last Saturday’s Raider Open House, some special students from Wright State Unversity’s College of Science and Mathematics...