Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

photo of a professor and student in a lab

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Why Choose the Chemistry Program?

You can pursue a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, or Master of Science degree in chemistry at Wright State. The Bachelor of Science in Education degree with a concentration in chemistry is also available. You can prepare for a career as a professional chemist, or entrance into medical or dental school, through the Bachelor of Arts program. However, the Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry program is not designed to prepare you for entry into graduate school for chemistry. If you wish to prepare for graduate studies in chemistry, your best option is the Bachelor of Science program, certified by the American Chemical Society (ACS). All programs are flexible and permit you to choose a heavy concentration in chemistry courses or a combination of a chemistry major with extensive coursework in allied (other sciences) or non-allied (business, arts) areas. Consult an academic advisor to develop an academic program to meet your specific needs and individual interests.


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Academics and Curriculum

If you are a Bachelor of Arts degree candidate, you are required to complete the chemistry, mathematics, and physics course sequences in the following program outlines. The general elective requirement may be satisfied with any course sequence in the College of Science and Mathematics or the College of Engineering and Computer Science, including additional chemistry courses, life sciences courses, or individual research projects (CHM 4990).

If you are a chemistry major who is a Bachelor of Arts degree candidate, you are also required to earn 18 credit hours outside the Colleges of Science and Mathematics and Engineering and Computer Science. This requirement may not be satisfied with Wright State Core requirements.

View Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry program information, degree requirements, and graduation planning strategy in the Academic Catalog.


You must apply for admission to Wright State University.

Declaring your Major

To apply for admission in the College of Science and Mathematics, submit a Major/Minor Change Request by logging in to WINGS, then select Student Academics under Your Launchpad and declare your area of emphasis.

Articulation (Transfer) Agreements

Wright State has articulation agreements with a number of institutions. Articulation agreements will assure you a seamless transfer from one institution to another. To view current articulation agreements and determine which courses will transfer, visit the Articulation Agreements page or