Department of Psychology

Darci Gallimore '15

Finishing MHS degree in May 2017

Institution/ Company:  Johns Hopkins University- Bloomberg School of Public Health

Highest Degree: MHS (Master of health science) in Mental Health

“What prepared me the most for graduate school and my future career was joining a lab, doing an honors thesis, and being active in Psi Chi and Psychology Club. These experiences taught me critical thinking, how to develop and test hypotheses, to write scientifically, leadership, and how to work with others. The advice I would give to students is to use all the resources the department of psychology, specifically the BNS concentration, has to offer. The BNS faculty are the most supporting, caring, intelligent group of people I've ever met, and a lot of my success is due to them.”

Undergraduate Honors Research with Dr. Claflin; Lab Manager for Drs. Hennessy and Schiml