
Rob Cowles named as Pre-Professional Coordinator for the College of Science and Mathematics

The College of Science and Mathematics is pleased to announce Rob Cowles as the Pre-Professional Coordinator as of January of 2019. In this role, Cowles serves pre-professional and post-baccalaureate students by providing guidance on navigating the application process along with the timeline, course requirements for eligibility, preparing for entrance exams, writing personal statements, and building co-curricular experiences that are important to most professional school applications.

An advocate for student success and student development, Cowles brings nearly 15 years in higher education and a breadth of experience at diverse institutions as well as a wealth of experience to his work. His experience includes student success initiatives, student development opportunities, academic advising, coaching experience, pre-college dual enrollment/credit, enrollment management, academic/placement testing and student services administration. 

Cowles received his bachelor’s and master’s degree from Urbana University. He enjoys working collaboratively across campus with other higher education professionals, to provide a student-focused/student-first environment. His passion lies within connecting students to necessary resources to eliminate barriers, stress, and fears to develop holistically as a student beyond graduation to achieving their personal, educational, and career goals.