Department of Physics

Bachelor of Arts in Physics, Physics Education Concentration

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Why Choose the Physics Education Program?

``... encouraged physics departments to take increased responsibility for the education of teachers.''

Resolution adopted by the American Institute of Physics, the American Physical Society, and the American Association of Physics Teachers (Physics in a New Era: An Overview, National Academy Press, Washington DC, 2001). 

The physics education program at Wright State currently consists of K-12 teacher preparation and college-level reforms. The program in physics is part of the science education program of the College of Science and Mathematics in conjunction with the College of Health, Education, and Human Services.

The science education program at Wright State is somewhat unique in that most of the science educators hold joint appointments in the two colleges. 

In addition to the academic year program, faculty members conduct summer institutes for in-service teachers. 

Academics and Curriculum

View the Bachelor of Arts in Physics, Physics Education Concentration program information, degree requirements, and graduation planning strategy in the Academic Catalog.


Students must apply for admission to Wright State University.

Declaring your Major

If you intend to enter into the physics B.A. degree program but do not meet the criteria to be directly admitted from high school, you will be admitted as a pre-major. Once you have satisfied the following criteria, you can be admitted into the program:

  • Earned a grade of “C” or higher in the following courses: BIO 1120, BIO 1120L, CHM 1210, and CHM 1210L. 
  • Completion of at least 15 semester hours with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. 

Current Wright State students interested in adding or changing their major can also be admitted into the program by meeting the above criteria. 

Articulation (Transfer) Agreements

Wright State has articulation agreements with a number of institutions. Articulation agreements will assure you a seamless transfer from one institution to another. To view current articulation agreements and determine which courses will transfer, visit the Articulation Agreements page or


Teacher Education Licensure Program

Students who intend to seek AYA: Physics licensure in the state of Ohio should apply for admission to the Adolescence to Young Adult Education licensure program in the College of Health, Education, and Human Services. Students typically apply to the licensure program during their junior year. 

Please review the licensure program admission requirements available on the Adolescence to Young Adult Education licensure program webpage.