Ohio Physiological Society


OverviewOPS Logo

The Ohio Physiological Society (OPS) became the first American Physiological Society (APS) chapter during the Spring Meeting of Council in 1995. The OPS was founded in 1986 as a professional association of Ohio physiologists. It was established with the purpose of enhancing and advancing the field of physiology as a coordinated discipline consisting of the many subdisciplines working at the molecular, cellular, and organ system levels of organization in both basic and applied areas. The current membership is from a variety of academic institutions and industries across Ohio.

Contact Information

Dan R. Halm, Ph.D.

NeuroScience Cell Bio Physio-COSM
Associate Professor, Neuroscience Cell Biology, & Physiology
Biological Sciences Bldg II 149, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001