This is the official webpage for the Wright State Center of Neuroimaging and Neuro-Evaluation of Cognitive Technologies (CoNNECT). A Philips 3-Tesla dStream Achieva magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner is at the core of the CoNNECT. Funded through a competitive Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) as well as by the Ohio Department of Higher Education's Action Fund, this MRI is capable of performing state-of-the-art functional and anatomical neuroimaging. The Wright State CoNNECT opened March 2022.

At the core of WSU's Center of Neuroimaging and Neuro-Evaluation of Cognitive Technologies is the Philips dStream Achieva 3.0T.
Access to a research-dedicated MRI facility has thus become a critical barrier for the ongoing neuroscience research activities by researchers at Wright State and its DoD research partners at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB). The long-term goal of the CoNNECT is to establish a truly collaborative center for DoD and academic neuroscience research in the Dayton region.
The WSU CoNNECT facility will support the most advanced imaging available including neurochemistry (magnetic resonance spectroscopy), blood oxygenation (functional MRI), blood perfusion (arterial spin labeling), oxygen consumption (diffuse optical imaging), structural white matter fiber tracking (diffusion tensor imaging), and chemical exchange saturation transfer (amide proton transfer-weighted). Current technology at Wright State will enable the concurrent measurements of MRI with measurements of electrical activity (electroencephalography) or optical diffusion (functional near-infrared spectroscopy).