Welcome to the Occupational Health Psychology (OHP) Lab at Wright State
Our research focuses on three main areas: Employee well-being, Counterproductive work behavior, and Improving the quality of self-report data.
Employee well-being - Much of our recent research has focused on work stressors—aspects of the work environment that have the potential to cause psychological and physical illness. This work has focused on several stressors, including role stressors, exposure to workplace aggression, and organizational constraints.
Counterproductive work behavior - Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) are employee actions that harm either the organization (e.g., stealing from one’s employer) or other people in the organization (e.g., spreading hurtful rumors about a coworker). Our ongoing research focuses on the potential causes, consequences, and measurement of CWB.
Improving the quality of self-report data - Most datasets include some participants who have failed to carefully respond to questionnaire content. A participant, for instance, may respond to a questionnaire without having read the item stems or questionnaire instructions. Our ongoing research focuses on the measurement, causes, and prevention of participant carelessness.