Policies and Procedures
Academic Credits
- University Petition Policy (University Policy 4090)
Academic Standing
- Readmission Under Fresh Start Policy (University Policy 3370)
- Second Start Policy (University Policy 3375)
Academic Probation and Dismissal
When a student's cumulative GPA drops below 2.0, the registrar takes scholastic action by placing the student on probation. Students who remain on probation for two semesters may be dismissed from the university for unsatisfactory academic performance.
- Academic Standing: Good Standing and Probation (University Policy 3350)
- CoSM Academic Recovery Program
Add/Change of Major, Minor, or Concentration
A request to add and/or change a major, minor, or concentration can be made through WINGS. Undecided/exploratory students are not permitted to make change requests through WINGS. They must consult with their advisor.
Appeal a Grade or Conflict with a Professor
When a dispute arises between a faculty member and student over grades or other academic evaluations, the normal procedure is for the student to try to resolve the dispute in the following order:
- Consult with faculty member; then, if necessary,
- Consult with the departmental chair; then, if necessary,
- Consult with the dean’s office regarding the
Academic Mediation Policy (PDF)
- Course Repeats and Replacements (University Policy 3520)
- Course Drop Deadline Policy (University Policy 3510)
Federal Student Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal
If you do not meet SAP requirements, you may appeal to the Office of Financial Aid for financial aid probation.
Undergraduate science and mathematics students are required to obtain prior approval from their academic advisor before accessing the online graduation application.
Registering for Classes
Most students are eligible to register online through WINGS. Probation students need advisor approval to register. Learn more about Registration.
Transfer Credit
- Transfer Credit Regulations (University Policy 3215)