Planned gifts to the College of Science and Mathematics have a profound impact on the future of Wright State University.
Planned gifts can support student scholarships, student research, departmental program funds, special projects and STEM events, student travel to professional association meetings and conferences, faculty research, technology and facility needs, student and faculty awards, or other articulated outcomes.
Planned gifts to the college provide future financial support to existing funds or create new funds when necessary. Donors can make a planned gift via annual, multi-year, or major gift support.
When a donor discloses or determines their intent to make a planned gift, the Wright State University Foundation documents the donor’s desired outcome, states the college’s agreement to use funds for the defined purposes, and provides biographical information about the donor(s) and why the gift was made.
Donors may choose to have their planned gift remain anonymous or allow the college to recognize their gift intentions.
You can learn more about planned giving options at:
If you would like to discuss making a planned gift or document a planned gift that is already in place, please contact Chris Adkins-Lamb at 937-775-4980 or