
Support CoSM

Maximize the impact of your gifts to CoSM

Did You Know? 
  • Gifts can reflect your interests and passions.   
  • Gifts to CoSM can be designated to support student scholarships, academic programs, awards for students and faculty, new technology, student research, programmatic activities, or other defined purposes.   
  • Annual gifts can be one-time contributions or multi-year pledges.
  • Annual gifts to CoSM provide valuable financial resources to the college. Donors can make one-time gifts or indicate their intention to support CoSM with a multi-year pledge.
  • Gifts can create named scholarships, awards, or funds.
  • Donors to CoSM can create spendable or endowed funds that bear the name of a donor, family, or company name.
  • Corporate matching gift programs can increase the value of a gift.
  • Major gifts to CoSM can be made in many ways.  Major gifts are investments that reflect strategic partnerships between the donor and CoSM.  Major gifts to CoSM can be made via one-time contributions, multi-year pledges, personal property or real estate, gifts-in-kind, trusts, annuities, stocks, the inclusion of CoSM in will or estate plans, or a personalized combination of gift vehicles.

If you would like to explore how to maximize the impact of your gifts to CoSM please contact Chris Adkins-Lamb, Director of Development, College of Science and Mathematics at 937-775-4980 or christopher.adkins-lamb@wright.edu.