
Emily Chriswell, Sophomore, B.S., Psychology (Sexuality Studies)

Why did you choose Wright State University?  

I chose Wright State because they have a great psychology program and it is close to my home.

Why did you decide you wanted to pursue a career path in science/mathematics? 

I have had more time than most people to figure out what I want to be when I "grow up". I have had a lot of life experience that has led me to my desire to become a clinical psychologist. Particularly dealing with my own anxiety as well some anxiety issues my children have experienced. 

What surprised you most about college? In what way(s) was your experience different than what you expected, and do you have any advice for incoming freshman?

I can't say that I was surprised by anything. I knew my experience would be different from most other college students because I am earning my degree while raising 6 children. As far as advice goes, I would say to not feel so intimidated by professors and go to office hours when you can, even if it's just to get to know them a bit better. Also, GO TO CLASS! Even if they do not take attendance you should go to every lecture. When you don't go, you miss out on so much amazing information that you cannot get from a book or someone's notes.

What is a typical day for you? 

There is no such thing as a typical day when you go to college and have 6 kids. Generally speaking I get to school between 8-9 a.m. and I work in the Psi Chi office until class starts and then I head to class. After that I work on homework or something I need to do for one of my organizations until it is time for a meeting or an event I need to attend. I get home around 4-5 p.m. where I make sure my kids are doing their homework and chores. After that I make dinner and then my husband and I divide and conquer taking kids to their various activities. Once the kids are in bed I work on whatever homework I need to finish and then I spend some quality time with my husband.

What are some of your favorite courses and why? 

Human Sexuality is my all-time favorite course! I love Dr. Schiml, she is a fantastic professor so I personally recommend taking the class from her if you can. I love this class because it covers so many aspects of sexuality, gender, child birth, etc. I think everyone should take this course no matter what your major is. I also loved Intro to Counseling with Dr. Bielek. That class gave me fantastic insight into the field of clinical psychology.

What experiences have you had since starting college that you’d recommend to other students? (ex. study abroad, research, volunteer, student organizations, etc.) 

Getting involved on campus has been the best thing I could have done besides working hard and getting good grades. Find organizations that you think are interesting and get involved with them. Run for an officer position if they have any open because that really gets you connected and it is a great thing to put on your resume.

What do you love about Wright State? 

I love the professors. Almost every professor I have had has been amazing. They are the most helpful and encouraging people here and they want you to succeed, so take their advice when they give it to you!

What would you tell a high school student or fellow undergraduate interested in pursuing a degree in science or mathematics? 

First, be sure that you are following your dreams and not someone's expectations of you. If you love what you do then it is not work. Second, don't give up! I know this is all hard work and sometimes it feels like you will never finish but you will and it will be worth it!