Experiential Learning

Applying Scientific Knowledge (ASK) Program Information for Faculty

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The ASK program is an initiative to immerse undergraduates into scientific research early in your degree programs by allowing you to start applying their coursework in a practical setting. you will earn course credit toward your degree while contributing to larger projects within the research laboratories on campus.

The program will help you gain vital critical thinking skills and perseverance, learn more about the general topics being taught in class, and delve into a specific field of interest.

Incentives for Faculty

  1. Get funding! ASK program NSF SSTEM student scholarships will provide up to $250 per term (spring and fall) in funding toward an ASK student project. Scholarship recipients may apply for competitive summer fellowship opportunities, providing stipend support for the student as well as additional funding toward the project supply needs.
  2. Student projects can feed into larger, ongoing research projects within the laboratory, and student-generated data can contribute toward grant applications and publications.
  3. Faculty will have access to highly motivated students who may wish to continue with research once they conclude with the ASK program.
  4. ASK program faculty help our COSM students to be excited about science, transitioning them from students into scientists.
  5. Faculty will be provided with mentoring training, broken into several small sessions during late fall and spring term at the beginning of each program cycle.

*Faculty may submit projects headed by a single faculty member, or by teams of faculty from single or multiple COSM departments.

You may submit more than one project proposal. The ASK program then matches students to projects based on faculty and student preferences. Faculty mentors will meet with their matched students during Fall Semester before beginning their research project in the spring.

Student Placement in Laboratories

The ASK program committee does the footwork for our program participants, seeking out professors who have room for you in their laboratories with a submission of a brief project proposal. You will review the project proposals and do additional background searches on the laboratories, then identifying the projects in which you are most interested. The ASK program committee then works to match you to the professors based on your interests and professor's requests for student background as well as the number of students they can accommodate (the ASK program supports team-based research projects should a laboratory be able to accommodate more than one student). At the conclusion of their ASK program experience, students will be guided into other research opportunities both on and off-campus.